Ok, just saw the teaser trailer for "Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire". Totally seeing that movie. I've just recently joined the Harry Potter bandwagon, at least with the books. I've seen all 3 movies so far and loved them all, but I wanted to go back & read all the books. I'm on book 3, The Prisoner of Azkaban. Considering I just started reading the books on Monday, you could say I haven't done much else. Aside from cleaning the house & taking care of the girls. But, the 6th book, Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince, comes out in 3 weeks. That means I have 2 2/3 books to get through by then, so I can buy the new one. They're pretty easy reads, but only because they're so exciting. I know, I'm sounding like I'm 13, but I don't care.
So Sarah had her cardiologist appointment yesterday. They gave her an EKG, which was normal. The doc listened to her heart with the stethoscope, and he was still able to hear her PDA, which even her pedi hadn't been able to do. But, he said it was "trivial" and we shouldn't be worried about it. He said he didn't feel he needed to see her again until she was 3, so that's a big load off my mind. But, when they weighed her, she was only 14 lbs. 4 oz., which means she's lost 12 oz. in a month. That's almost a whole pound. I don't know what's causing it. She's been on her medicine to help with her reflux for 2 weeks, and I really thought that would clear up, it's still there, but not as bad. She has been sick, she had a cold a couple weeks ago, and she IS teething, but I don't know if any of these were bad enough to cause her weight loss. I'm thinking maybe we need to put her on medication for her hypothyroidism. I feel paranoid, calling her pedi every couple of days, he's going to think I'm a hypochondriac, by proxy, lol. Other than the weight issue, she's doing really well. Moving around a lot, getting into trouble, like a typical almost-toddler; bugging her sister constantly with pulling her hair & puking on her toys, lol. She really does look up to Emma. You should see the way she stares at her, like Emma is the best person in the world. I think it's going to be hard on Sarah when Emma goes to K next year. Emma, on the other hand, can't wait for K to start. I keep telling her that certain things need to happen before she can go, but she doesn't understand. It looks like it's going to be a long summer.
5 years ago
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