Today's my birthday. I'm 27. Whoo-hoo. Jeff took me out to dinner last night with a couple of friends of ours. We had a last minute babysitting snafu, but we got it worked out. The girls did fine with a new sitter. Emma, of course, had to show her ALL of her toys. Sarah, surprisingly, fell asleep before we got home, but, woke up just as we were going to bed. She's got great timing.
Dinner was great. We went to the Embers, which is the most expensive place in town (practically). They even have real cloth tablecloths & napkins. Trust me, I don't see that very often. They don't have a huge repetoire of entree selections (their menu is only two pages) but it's all really good. I had the Asiago chicken, which is breast of chicken stuffed with herb cream cheese, roasted red & yellow peppers and proscuitto ham, Italian breaded, and served with Asiago cream sauce. YUM!!!! Talk about decadent. Jeff had the one pound pork chop. You could barely see it under all the sweet & sour sauce. The menu says it's marinated for 24 hours before cooked. At the end of the meal, they brought out a dessert cart. Our friend Andrea & I were just drooling over all the choices they had. It was so yummy. Gabe & Andrea got me some "smell-good-stuff" from Bath & Body Works. I can always use that stuff. One of them was bubble bath and she told me that they were discussing whether or not I have time to take a bath, with two kids. I told her I'd make time, if I had bubble bath.
Ok, so we just got back from the pediatrician's office. Sarah has pink eye. What fun. But, that gives me an excuse to not go anywhere & just stay indoors, watching TV with the girls. So she has to take antibiotics for 10 days & eye drops for 4-5 days. This also means I can't go in to take Emma to school. They're going to have to come out to the car & get her and also bring her back. Which is something she's been wanting to do, along with ride the bus to & from school. But I think that's going to wait until after Spring Break, when it gets a bit warmer.
My mom sent me some money for my birthday and I spent it yesterday. I've been hearing all this wonderful stuff about this Bumble & Bumble shampoo. So, I went to the only place that sells it in town. Holy cow, that stuff is expensive. I bought shampoo, conditioner, hair straightening gel and some spray that's also supposed to help straighten. Over $50. I about dropped my purse. This stuff better make my hair look like a supermodel's for that much money. I also bought a hair straightener. You get the idea that I'm tired of curly hair? I also need a haircut, but that might have to wait a little while.
We pushed Sarah's check-up appointment at the opthamologist's office to next Tuesday. Hopefully we can get her prescription and get her glasses soon. I feel so bad that she needs them this early, but I know I can't put it off. She needs to be able to see! We found a cute pair at a local optical shop. They actually remind me of the little glasses that my Cabbage Patch Doll had when I was younger. I almost considered asking my mom to find them & mail them to me, as they'd probably fit her.
5 years ago
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