The girls & I drove Jeff to Detroit (Novi) for Citrix training this week. We've been there before. When I was pregnant with Sarah, he had Dell training & stayed at the same hotel. So we drive him there Sunday evening, stayed the night & drove home on Monday afternoon. He's getting a ride back home on Friday from a co-worker. So it's just the girls this week. We've been making the most (or least, depends on how you look at it) of it. I haven't gotten out of my pj's since Monday night, Emma's running around the house either in just her undies or in a some form of dress-up clothes and hasn't had a bath since Sunday. Sarah is getting lots of practice sitting up, as she watches me paint her crib (which I'm ALMOST finished with). And we're all watching a lot of TV & not really eating all that well. I know that's going to have to change here soon, as it's already Wednesday & Jeff comes home in 2 days. The house still needs to be cleaned from BEFORE we left for CA, but now all the clothes & dishes we've used since we got home last Friday night are just piling up on top of all that was there when we left for CA. It's not a pretty picture, but I'm bound & determined that this crib will be finished before Jeff gets home. I'm on the home stretch now, as all I have left to do is the final coat of paint on 2 1/2 pieces. Then I have to go out & buy a crib mattress & put it all together, but that will be the easy part. Then comes the fun part, putting Sarah in there for the first time. Yay. Something tells me I'll be sleeping on the floor or her room the first night she's in it, which I'm hoping will be tonight. But that's fine, as long as she's in it. It's only taken me 8 1/2 months to get to this point.
I got my Nancy Noel print in the mail when we got back from vacation. She's an artist who paints beautiful pictures of angels, Amish children & animals. She painted one of a little girl angel, who had Down syndrome. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of it is going to Down syndrome research. It was a Christmas present from Jeff. I really think the little girl looks like Sarah. She's got long blonde hair & blue eyes. I still need to buy a frame for it. I'm going to put it up in Sarah's room. I want to buy another angel print for Emma's room, but haven't found one that really personifies her. There's one called Angel of Mercy that looks like Emma about 2 years ago. There's also an Amish one called "Emma". Once I get Sarah's room finished, I'll post pictures.
Emma's got her 6 year molars coming in. She came to me yesterday telling me that her teeth hurt. My first reaction was, uh-oh, cavity. But then she showed me where & I felt both her bottom molars bulging up under her gums. Oh yay. But she won't take any Tylenol to help with the pain. She's a martyr. It'll probably take a little while for them to completely come in, so this should be fun. Once they do, I think I'm going to get sealant put on them. I had sealant put on mine & I really think that helped with me having no cavities when I was younger. I still have no cavities, or at least I don't think I do. ::Note to self: make dental appointment::
5 years ago
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