I'm up after midnight because I was trying to take advantage of the "Free shipping" in the Fall & Winter JCPenney catalog. We need something to put on our windows so we can change in our bedroom without worrying about people looking in on us. I know that mini blinds are way too expensive & they probably wouldn't transfer well to another house, what with windows not all being the same width. So I decided on cheap roller shades. I didn't even get the kind with the pretty fringe on the ends. Just the plain old white roller shades. But I'm going to be putting pretty valances & curtains over them, so it will make them look better. We're only in this house for 2 years, anyways. I bought a valance for the kitchen window & Sarah's window the other day. Now I'm on the prowl for some white eyelet curtains for Emma's room and something manly for Jeff's office. That leaves our room & the living room, but I think I'm going to wait a little longer to get something for those rooms. I have no idea what I want in them.
This house seems to be coming together. Hopefully we'll have our garage door opener all set up tomorrow, along with the towel bars & toilet paper holders. We got the A/C fixed yesterday, I think. It's been cooler in the house, so I guess that means it's working. And Jeff said if he got an 80% or higher on his test tomorrow (that's worth 1/10th of his entire grade) and I finished at least 2 rooms by this weekend, that maybe we'd go to Cedar Point. It's "Six Flags-ish" type of amusement park. Oh did I mention we bought a minivan? Yeah, we're supposed to be going to pick that up this weekend, too. Before our "yet to be determined if it'll happen" trip to Cedar Point. We bought a 2004 Honda Odyssey. It's pretty sweet. We got one with the RES (Rear Entertainment System). Basically, it's a DVD player with a screen coming down from the roof for the people in the back to watch. We had a DVD player that was portable that was our lifesave on the long 4 day trip out here last year, but it kicked the bucket right after we got here. It had a good long life, though. We've only made one long trip without it since we moved, and that was enough to make us want another one. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for trying to get the kids interested in watching the great outdoors fly by at 65 MPH and trying to find all the out of state license plates, and playing all the wonderful car games that we all grew up on. But eventually, on a 10 hour drive to Tennessee & back, those types of things lose their nostalgic, kitchy appeal. And you just want peace & quiet, even if it's shared by a Disney character singing something about "Hakuna Matata". Although Sarah won't be able to enjoy the movie experience, seeing as how she has to make all car trips facing the back window (poor kid), I'm sure she'll be equally relieved when Emma isn't asking that dreaded question "Are we there yet?" every 10 seconds.
Our van is going to be white, not our first choice in colors, but it will do. It was actually put together only the day before we bought it. Our Civic was brand new when we bought it 3 years ago, but not, right off the truck, out of the factory new. This is like having another child, only one we have to feed oil instead of breast milk. I know Jeff isn't thrilled with the idea of another "family car". He was really hoping to be able to get a truck soon, but with 2 kids in car seats, it's not that feasible. Maybe by the time we're 40 he can get a car of his own. But by then he'll be wanting his mandatory "mid-life crisis" car. He already knows what that's going to be: a Dodge Viper. He's known that since he was 12. I told him if he had taken over Bill Gates job by then he could get one. I'm thinking that's the only way we'd be able to afford it.
5 years ago
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