Ok, I thought that Mother Nature had been really nice to us lately. It had been relatively warm, upper 30's, there was no snow on the roads, and it was starting to melt the feet of snow we have on our yard. Then, yesterday, we got hit with about 5-7 inches of snow. At first, it was still really warm, so most of it was melting on contact with the road or cars, but sticking to the snow already on the ground. Then, it started getting heavier & started sticking to everything. By the end of the day, we had good quarter size clumps of snow falling from the sky and we were once again in the midst of a winter wonderland. But the weather took a dramatic change for the better today. It's sunny & again, relatively warm. It's even supposed to get up to around 48 degrees by this coming Sunday. Whoo hoo! We might actually see most of this snow start to melt.
I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. I asked him if he was able to tell how big the baby was (by the information from my ultrasound) & if everything looked fine. He said that at this time, the baby was about 4 1/2 lbs. which is about 10 days farther along than it's gestational age. I asked him if that meant I would go into labor early. He said probably not, since trying to weigh a fetus in the womb is kinda tricky. He said the baby was most likely normal size, and would be born on time.
I think Emma has started to get used to the idea of the baby. Yesterday, when I was getting out of the shower & before she went to bed, she kissed my belly. When she was going to bed, she also patted my belly and said, "Night night, baby." It was too cute. So, it'll be a slow process of getting her used to the idea that a new baby will be with us in a couple months, but I think she'll be ready for it.
5 years ago
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