I think both Emma & I are in the home stretch of recovery when it comes to this bronchitis we've had for over a week. For the first time, Emma has not needed her inhaler during the day or before bed, her coughing fits are virtually non-existent. And I can finally sleep through the night without breathing through my mouth & sounding like a freight train. My nose has finally healed from being assaulted by Kleenex 50 times a day and I'm no longer coughing up stuff that should be in a lab experiment. I think all of that made our weekend at home a much more relaxing & enjoyable experience.
I'm beginning to think that even Emma is starting to get tired of the cold & snow. Jeff decided to shovel the driveway on Saturday morning & Emma got all dressed up in her snow gear to go outside with him and play. After only 20 minutes, she comes back into the house, complaining she's cold & doesn't want to go back out there. My little snow bunny, who, every time we get into the car, whines about playing in the snow, tired of it after only 20 minutes? Somebody call Oprah, this is a huge moment. So, instead, we watched daddy shovel outside & knock all the icicles down from the eves. I asked him why he was doing that, I thought they were really pretty. He thought they posed too much of a hazard. What if somebody walked up to our front door, only to be impaled by a falling icicle? He doesn't think renter's insurance would cover that. Good point. But, as I looked outside this morning, I noticed that they're back. We had above average temps this weekend, so the snow on the roof was melting just a bit. Not enough to completely uncover the roof, though. No, somehow I don't think that will happen until at least March. Jeff also took care of the giant icicle that was forming underneath the air vent from the heater. It was at least 3 feet tall. I took some pictures of it & posted one on the website www.msnusers.com/wilso4jm. Not the best quality picture, because again, I can't take pictures even with a wonderful digital camera in the snow. They all turn out too dark. I was noticing that some of the icicles that had formed on the eves of the house weren't all that clear. They had a yellow tinge to them. That kinda grossed me out, thinking about how they got that way. There's really only one way that snow turns yellow & it probably has something to do with all the squirrels that live in the trees in our yard. I hear them on the roof when it's quiet, squeaking away, and something tells me that they just aren't playing happily up there. I think they've decided to use our roof as their personal toilet. Eww. Just another reason to listen to my biology teacher's advice back in high school: Never eat yellow snow. Or in this case, don't eat yellow icicles.
Well today is my doctor's appointment. Hopefully I'll find out this afternoon WHEN I'm going to get my ultrasound. I'm hoping it's going to be by the end of this week, I'm getting really impatient. But, since I've got a little time before we actually find out what we're having, I have a little game I'd like to play. It's called, What do YOU think we're having? Oh it'll be great fun, just send me an email to coolmommy99@scalablenetworking.com & tell me what you think I'm having, a girl or a boy? I'll try to keep the tally updated up until we actually find out & then post the results. Won't this be fun? I already have a few opinions, and just to let you know, the tally so far is 2/girl, 2/boy. I don't expect any scientific reasoning behind what your guess is, because there isn't any behind the opinions I already have. It's just your gut feeling.
This Thursday is the Barenaked Ladies concert. Jeff has been waiting for years to see this band. Everytime they were in San Diego, he was out to sea or we were out of town. They're playing in Lansing & Jeff is very excited. I am, too. It should be a lot of fun. Someone from the college, one of Resident Hall Directors, is going to watch Emma for us. Now the only other band that Jeff & I really want to see is Dave Matthews. But I suppose that one can wait.
5 years ago
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