We had a small crisis at our house on Tuesday evening. I thought my water had broken. Freaked both Jeff & I out. It wasn't an obvious gush, which is why we were so freaked out. Jeff insisted I call the doctor and the nurse on-call told me to head on in to the ER to get checked out. Since it was 9pm, the main doctor's office was closed. So, we go in, and are sent up to labor & delivery, where I'm hooked up to monitors & checked out. No, my water hadn't broken, which we were both relieved to hear. But, just as a precaution, they wanted to keep me for an hour just to make sure I wasn't having any sizable contractions. So we were able to hear the baby's heartbeat for about an hour and Emma amused herself watching TV. If the room we're in when we actually go into labor is anything like the one we were in, I think Jeff will be very comfortable. The chair that I guess is designated the "father's chair" was really nice. A leather recliner. He looked pretty happy sitting in it while we were waiting to be discharged. I told him we better bring a pillow & a blanket when we come in case I have an overnight labor like I did with Emma.
Well, this false alarm has made us re-evaluate how much time we actually have before the baby's born. The next day I was in laundry mode, cleaning everything I could get my hands on. I'm making sure our hospital bags are packed by this weekend and I'm confirming the babysitting arrangements for Emma. And Jeff was told that he's able to take a week off to care for a sick relative & he's going to take another week of vacation, giving him 2 weeks home after the baby's born. That will be very nice.
The weather lately has been great, rainy mostly, but I can handle that. The temperatures have been between the low 50's & middle 60's. Emma's been loving it because she doesn't have to wear her big bulky coats anymore. The forecast says it's still supposed to rain a lot over the next couple of weeks, but that's fine with me, as long as it doesn't turn to snow. I think spring might actually be here now.
Emma finally had gymnastics this week, but only this week, due to Regionals or something next week. Plus, she doesn't have school all next week either. Poor kid is going to be so upset. We'll have to find some fun stuff for her to do. I forsee Easter projects & trips to the library and lots & lots of Barbies.
5 years ago
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