Well after weeks of wondering if our schedules were going to coincide, Emma & the little girl across the street (who's also in her gymnastics class), Morgan, were finally able to get together on Sunday afternoon. Her mom, Sue, called in the morning and asked if Emma could come over & play that afternoon. Emma was very excited. She didn't even want to finish her lunch, she just wanted to get ready & go over there. As soon as we get over there, it becomes clear to me that Morgan & Emma are two peas in a pod. Morgan loves Barbies, dolls, dressing up, and horses. Emma just loved being there, she had so much fun. We ended up staying there for 4 hours. Finally, when it became clear that Sue was trying to get their dinner started, I told Emma it was time to go home. She was not happy about that. I knew she was tired when she started throwing a fit and falling in it like you wouldn't believe. She was kicking her feet when I tried to put on her boots, she was grasping onto chairs & walls when I was leading her towards the front door, anything to keep from leaving. I practically had to drag her across the street to go home. We had a nice talk when we got home about acting that way, and she relaxed on the couch where, 10 minutes later, she was fast asleep. She had worn herself out from the playing & the fit. But she had a great time, so I know we'll be doing that again soon.
I think this house is out to get us. At least Emma. First, she had 4 splinters in her fingers in the span of a week, and then Friday night she proceeded to rip her entire pinky nail off her left foot. I have no idea how she did it, but she came up to me on the couch & said she had an owie. She lifted up her foot for me to see & I saw that her nail was hanging on by a tiny piece of skin. She was surprisingly calm, I think she was still in shock & the pain hadn't hit her yet. Jeff was on the phone & I asked for his help. By the time I carried her to the bathroom to take care of it, she had realized she was really hurt & started crying. Talk about a delayed reaction. And it had started bleeding, so that wasn't helping the situation. But now that it's been a few days, she's decided she doesn't need to keep a band-aid on it anymore (and we finally tore off the hanging nail) and it doesn't seem to bother her, unless she accidently hits in on something. Then she'll be reminded, oh yeah, I have a boo-boo.
We also got the stroller & infact seat delivered on Friday. That night, Jeff put everything together & Emma immediately claimed it for her own babies. I knew this would happen. She insisted on having her baby strapped into the car seat & push it around the house in the stroller. Now, since she can't see over the stroller, it ended up being a game of "oops, I hit the wall, back up, oops, I hit it again". When we went to the mall on Saturday, she wanted the baby to go, too. So, we put in the car base & put in the car seat with the baby inside. But I drew the line at actually bringing the baby in the infant seat into the mall. But, I think after that trip that we've realized we desperately need a bigger car. Between Emma's booster seat & the infant seat, it takes up the whole backseat. Whenever anyone comes to visit us, they won't have room to sit, once the baby comes.
Emma's going to have a tough time this month. Not only is her gymnastics class cancelled for 3 out of the 4 Wednesday's this month (spring break & CMU tournaments), but her preschool is also out the last week of this month (public school spring break). So, now that the weather's getting better, I think we need to find some other extracurricular activities. I'm also thinking of signing Emma up for a summer sport, but I'm not sure which one. They have tee-ball & soccer, and I'm leaning towards soccer, only because I don't think tee-ball would hold Emma's attention long enough to be worthwhile. I remember little kids with soccer, they all run around in a herd, up & down the field. Very cute. And that gives them a lot of exercise. No, I have to re-phrase that. It makes them use a lot of energy, which Emma has in abundance, and therefore are more likely to sleep & not run around the house, causing havoc. Yeah, I definitely think soccer is the way to go.
5 years ago
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