Last night at Emma's gymnastics class, we got the best news I think we've heard in awhile. Our neighbor's daycare provider will watch Emma if I go into labor during the work week. Plus, my neighbor is cool with taking her & picking her up from there (since her kids go there, too) and watching her overnight. I think both Jeff & I were ready to kiss my neighbor when she told us. I am so relieved & happy. I know Emma will have a great time with Morgan, and at the sitter's, should that become necessary. So I'm going to call the sitter today & try to set up a time to meet her, and so she can meet Emma. Apparently, she's relatively inexpensive, too, so we might be able to use her for other times when we need a part-time sitter as well. Sue also said she's very flexible with times, so she sounds great.
Now all we're doing is playing the waiting game. The baby could theoretically come at any time, which is nice, because I'm very ready for her to come now & stop playing "trampoline" on my lower abdomen. But I'm still hoping that she'll hold out until my mom gets here. But that's not for another 2 weeks. So the chances of that happening are very slim. Well, whatever happens, happens. I'm not going to stress about it because that's just going to push my blood pressure up & that's not a good thing.
We got a package yesterday from my Aunt Rhonda & Uncle Brian. It had some nice clothes in it for Sarah & also some new gymnastics/dance clothes for Emma. She was really excited. She got a new pink leotard, a black chiffon dance skirt, pink shimmery tights & black ballet slippers. She immediately wanted to put them on & dance around the house. It was too cute. I had to tell her that if she insisted on wearing all of her new clothes (mostly just the tights, skirt & shoes, I had no problem with her wearing the leotard) to gymnastics, she might get them messed up. That horrified her, so she took everything off, and wore an older leotard that she has.
She was still having a little problem understanding that the baby is going to be using all of the stuff that we've been accumulating and not be using any of Emma's things. I think she's already being a little territorial. Claiming her property before Sarah can snatch it away from her. We had a little talk yesterday about how Sarah's not going to be taking any of Emma's toys or other things (at least not for the first year or so) and how Emma's things are for big girls & all the stuff in Sarah's room is for babies. I think she got the idea. So, that was one of her big worries lately, that Sarah was going to swipe her stuff. Poor kid, this must be hard for her to understand. But I think she's dealing with it well. I know we'll have some instances where Emma's not going to be happy that Sarah's here, but hopefully those times will be outnumbered by the times that she actually likes having Sarah around.
Andrea, the girl who watched Emma a couple months ago, said she had a dream that I had the baby tonight at 8:08 pm. Jeff said I better get going if I'm going to meet the deadline. I asked him what he wanted me to do, jump up & down, go up & down a few hundred flights of stairs, or maybe get someone to scare me to kick start the labor? Plus, Survivor's on tonight & I doubt even contractions would get Jeff & I to miss it.
5 years ago
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