Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Get out yer eye patches

Friday, September 19th, is International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Aside from the obvious fact that it's freakin' cool there IS such a thing, I also find it ironic that I found out about this the day after I decided to have Sarah be a pirate for Halloween. I'm sure no one but me will find that interesting. But, we have an affinity for pirate stuff - the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney has always been our favorite and we have a Jolly Roger decal on our van, no joke.

And I MIGHT just have to order this, just because it's awesome.


1 comment:

Jake's Mommy said... cute!

You will have to post pictures of the girls in their halloween costumes. Jake is going to be a golfer! It's such a cute and funny costume :) I couldn't resist :)