Sarah's x-rays came back normal, no hair-balls. Which is awesome. Now to just keep it that way by trying to keep her from eating her hair. We're going today to get her hair cut.
As for the celiac results, they apparently have to send her blood samples to another lab for that, so it'll probably be next week by the time we get those.
Good news! Sarah's glasses have finally come in, so we'll probably go get those today, as well. I'll try to post some pics later.
As for the rest of the day, it's pretty much going to be a "hurry-up-and-try-to-make-it-look-like-a-tornado-didn't-hit-our-house" clean up day. Between the puking & pooping I have about 10 loads of laundry that has piled up this week (Sarah went through 4 outfits in a 2 hour span one day...sigh) plus I want to try & disinfect the house before we all get sick again. Yay for Lysol spray. When is spring again?
5 years ago
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