How many times have I said that while writing this blog?? Too many. But, I seriously have a valid excuse. The girls & I flew to California at the beginning of February to be with my mom, who was having surgery. We we there for a week, and it was kinda hectic. The girls were able to get some quality time with Grammy, Nana, & Papa, along with seeing their cousin Ariel for the first time in over a year. The girls all got their pictures taken together, so I'll post that when I get my package from my mother-in-law.
Ever since we got back, it's been school/skating/therapy/housecleaning/trying to relax. Thus, the no posts. And unfortunately things aren't going to be slowing down anytime soon. We're in the process of buying a house, we've been pre-approved, we just need to make sure all our ducks are in a row, and all that jazz. It's a duplex, and my mom is buying the other side, so we also need to wait for her to get her house together & sold. I don't relish the idea of moving before the baby's born, but then again, I'd rather do it now, than right after. Either way, I'm not going to be able to do much in the way of helping, except maybe packing up a bit & unpacking a bit.
But, my mom & Aunt Rhonda are coming to visit & look at the house for a few days, so that will be nice. Hopefully the weather will hold up. I think even Emma's getting tired of winter. We ALL got spoiled by the nice weather in CA while we were there. No heavy coats, no gloves, no frozen pink noses & ears. Spring, hurry up!!!
5 years ago
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