Apparently this family loses teeth in groups.
A few weeks ago, I had noticed that Sarah had a loose front tooth. I kinda panicked as I thought she was too young to start loosing teeth. But, I had to remind myself that she'll be 5 in April, and she just looks younger than she is. Also, Emma lost her first tooth the month after she turned 5, so it wasn't terribly early. Based on how wiggly it was, I gave it less than a month before it was out.
So, last Thursday, when we're all home from school/work, I'm making dinner (or rather standing in the kitchen wishing desperately for inspiration to hit me in the face regarding what to make for dinner) and Sarah comes to me, and her mouth is bleeding a little. So, I look and it's her tooth; not out completely, but a lot more wiggly than it had been. I gave her a towel to chew on, to help it come out, as I couldn't pull it out myself. About 10 minutes later, she comes back to me, towel in hand, and no tooth in her mouth. I ask her where it was, and she said "Idunknow, mommy". Oy. So, I check the towel-no tooth. I check her mouth-no tooth. I had Emma look all over the living room-no tooth. So, Sarah lost her first tooth, and them promptly swallowed it. Given her high pain tolerance I probably could have pulled it and she would have been fine. So, needless to say I've been checking her diapers, but no tooth so far. Unfortunately, she diapers have recently returned to their prior "consistency" and I probably missed it. But, no fear, the tooth fairy was notified, and left Sarah $2.
Not to be outdone though, Emma had some loose teeth of her own. She actually had 3. She hasn't lost any teeth (naturally, although she had 1 pulled about 2 years ago) in over 2 years, so it was time.
Yesterday, being Valentine's Day, and 4/5 of us being sick, I didn't want to cook, but we couldn't go out. So, Jeff, being the wonderful husband he is, and seeing as how he was feeling more human than he had in days, volunteered to go pick up food from Lonestar Steakhouse. I hadn't known that they did take-out. I was giddy. Their rolls and honey butter are to die for. But, I digress. So, he and Emma went to pick up our food. They brought it home and we all sat at the table. The girls ate very nicely, and we were having our first sit down dinner in almost a week. Then, suddenly, Emma gasps, and pulls what I think is bread out of her mouth. She shows it to me, and I see it's one of her teeth. So, the tooth fairy came last night for her, too (even though she's already in on the "secret"). I'm expecting the other 2 loose teeth to fall out within a couple months at the very latest.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Posted by
2/15/2009 10:03:00 PM
Labels: Emma, Family Musings, Sarah
Sick & tired of being sick & tired
You'd think the plague had hit our house with the amount of snot, mucous, and general ickiness we've had here.
Last week Jeff started feeling bad, on Monday evening. He called in sick on Tuesday with a bad fever & all over achiness. I figured he had the flu, but also knowing Jeff, I figured he would kick it in about 24 hours. That's generally how things go with him. His immune system is phenomenal. When Tuesday evening came around and he wasn't better, I started to think that this wasn't a run-of-the-mill illness. The girls were ok for the most part. Emma had a cough, but seemed ok. She was coughing through the night and ended up throwing up early Wednesday morning. So, she stayed home. The other girls were ok, until the evening, when they started with their own coughs. I decided to keep them home on Thursday, and stayed home myself. By then, Jeff's symptoms had changed some. The fever was still there, but not terrible. The achiness was less, but now he had chest & nasal congestion and a very sore throat. He was thinking flu/strep throat. I knew he had the flu, but I was iffy on the strep. I know post nasal drip can cause a very sore throat. We all went to the Urgent Care to get the official diagnosis, and took the little girls with so we could get them checked out, too. They were fine, just a little upper respiratory infection, and we were told to treat them symptomatically. Jeff finally got labeled with the flu, but no strep. He was told to pretty much be in quarantine until Monday. I don't think he's ever missed 4 straight days of work due to illness. Like, ever.
By Friday morning, the girls no longer had fevers, but Emma was back to coughing up a lung along with having a fever. So she had to miss her class Valentine's Day party, which she was thoroughly bummed about. But, I promised her that I would take her Valentines to her teacher after work.
At bedtime we'd been giving the girls some cough/fever medicine to help them sleep, but apparently it wasn't working for Katie. She woke up Friday night and Saturday night with pretty high fevers. Friday night she ended up in bed with us for a few hours, but I eventually put her back after the meds kicked in. Saturday night I went grocery shopping late, after the girls went to bed. I got home around 11pm, and after all the groceries were put away, I went to check on the girls. Katie was, surprisingly, still awake. She was quiet, but awake. I went to go give her a hug and she was burning up. She had a temp of 102. So, she got some Motrin, along with a drink, and I stayed by her to put a cool washcloth on her forehead. Katie, when she's delirious with fever, is wryly hilarious. She was laying there, perfectly content, but she kept saying things like "Emma's asleep", and "Sarah bit me, look Mommy, she bit my finger"- all perfectly calm and matter-of-fact. She also took issue with the fact that Oreo (the cat) was walking in her room. She kept telling her to get out. "I want Oreo out of here, Mommy." It was funny.
She finally fell asleep about 1am, poor girl. But, she was running amok with her sisters this morning, so it just looks like a flukie thing.
I know I will probably jinx myself by saying this, but so far, I haven't succumb to whatever germs attacked my family this week. I think it was some higher power that basically said,"If your family is to survive this week, someone has to be able to take care of everything." But, Jeff is leaving later this week for another business trip, so I know that will probably be the time when I get bombarded with it all. Karma hates me.
Posted by
2/15/2009 09:35:00 PM
Monday, February 02, 2009
I'm so rone-ry
*Just for clarification, that last word in the title rhymes with "lonely".
So, Jeff's gone for a few days. I know it's nothing compared to the ghastly 6 month deployments back when he was in the Navy, but it still sucks having him gone. Especially on my birthday. All the girls are asleep in bed, and I'm sitting in the living room on my laptop listening to music. That's usually what I do when he's gone and I don't have children awake & running rampant throughout the house. I stay up way too late, listen to music, and play on the computer.
I had my aerobic kickboxing class tonight. My Jaime Pressly look-alike instructor so very nicely pointed out the fact that it was my birthday and had the entire class sing to me. She made up for it by not telling the entire class how old I was. Heh
The girls went to Emma's friend's house while I was at class. They have 3 boys, so she gets her "girl-fix" when they're over, lol. Of course, it takes a crow-bar to pry Sarah & Katie away from the house, cause it's apparently more fun than our house. Either that or they know that they're headed for bed as soon as we get home. LOL But they must have played hard while they were there because they both fell asleep with little to no arguments. I'm lovin' it.
So, here's to being my friend Deanna put it, "It's not as traumatic as 30." Hear, hear.
Posted by
2/02/2009 10:45:00 PM
Labels: Family Musings, Friends, Life outside the house, School
Happy Birthday to me
Today's my 31st birthday. Groundhog day. Yes, I get a lot of the jokes. No, they're not funny anymore now than they were when I was 12. :P
We celebrated my birthday on Saturday because Jeff's leaving for Apple training in Ohio this week. So, I got to sleep in, got breakfast & coffee in bed (Jeff actually COOKED! Real food!) and hung out for most of the morning. Then we were off to Wal-mart to price out new tires for the van. Not fun, but unfortunately a necessity in the feet of snow and ice. I got a little tired of having to drive like an old lady in order to avoid hitting other cars. Plus, we've had the van for 4 1/2 years, and it still had the factory tires on it. It was time. We got a fairly decent deal (compared to what I had been quoted elsewhere) and was able to get a little bit of shopping done while we waited. Thankfully it only took a little over an hour. I suggested we go test them out by doing donuts in a parking lot somewhere, but Jeff didn't think that was such a great idea. Wimp. :P
We went out to lunch (BK, not my first choice, but I was with my family, didn't matter where we ate), then came home and put the little ones down for a nap. I then went out & finished the grocery shopping alone (just me & the produce), and afterwards came home & made my famous tacos with rice. Jeff didn't want me to have to cook on my birthday, but I love tacos, so I was perfectly fine with it. Although going to Lonestar for a steak & their oh-so-yummy rolls with honey butter was tempting.
Jeff suggested since we couldn't find a sitter to watch the girls so we could go see a movie, that I just go & see the one I wanted with Emma. So, I asked her if she wanted to see "Twilight" with me. She said yes. Unfortunately, it wasn't playing anywhere near us so we had to drive 45 miles to a "Birdcage" type theater (for those not from Sac, that means a theater showing movies that have been out forever for about 1/2 the normal price; of course Birdcage is now demolished...). Emma was excited, since I told her it had the same guy who played Cedric Diggory from HP4 in it. It takes a great amount of obsession to drive 45 miles to see a movie in a crappy theater, but I'm not apologizing, lol. Emma, unfortunately, was SO excited, that her stomach couldn't handle it, and about 15 minutes before the end of the movie announced to me that she had to throw up. Joy. But, we made it to somewhere safe for her to puke (i.e. not the middle of the theater) and then we stood in the back to watch the rest of the movie in case there was a double feature of stomach ickies. I kid you not, for those of you who've read "New Moon", I had a total sense of deja vu as we were leaving, because I had to ask the concession lady for an empty popcorn bucket and told Emma to try not to puke in Jeff's truck. I was actually laughing to myself as we walked out to the car. Yeah I know, only I would find that funny. But, thankfully it was only a reaction to ODing on popcorn, Dots, rootbeer & excitement, and only happened once.
So I had a great faux-birthday!! I also got a new book that I hope to start reading soon. It's called "Blood Orange". Completely different than what I've been reading lately, which should be interesting. So, now I'm off to waste time on my birthday!! :)
Posted by
2/02/2009 02:02:00 PM
Labels: Family Musings, Fun Stuff, Illness, Life outside the house