Kinda has a nice ring to it, dontcha think? Well, if all goes according to plan, on May 1, 2008, that's what we'll be!!! Our offer on a house (not the one from a previous post) was accepted. It's a great house: 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath, with a formal dining room, and a BIG fenced-in backyard. It has a huge finished basement (where one of the bedrooms are) which will be a great family room/playroom, it has a wood burning fireplace in the dining room (talk about ambiance!), and it's all one story (with the exception of the basement)! It's only down the street & around the corner from us, so we won't have to move very far. Plus, we have almost 2 1/2 months before we can move in, so we have plenty of time to purge what we don't need & pack up the rest. We will then have a month before the end of our lease here, which will give us enough time to move everything over and clean this place up, without having to stress out trying to do it all in one weekend.
This definitely means that Emma is going to be changing schools. While the school she'd be attending isn't across the street, it's still a lot closer than Morey. It's also supposed to be the best K-4 school in the district. We've talked about it and she's ok with it. She knows that she can still see her friends whenever she wants. She got really excited when I told her she would be able to ride the bus. :) She's been bugging me to do that since she rode ICTC in K. She'll be doing PEAK again this summer, and I'm going to make sure that she goes to the program where the kids from her new school will be going, so she can make some friends before school starts.
Now all we need to do is make sure we meet all of our deadlines: like having an appraisal & inspection within 10 days. So while the stress of house-hunting & offers and counter-offers are done, it's on to the next phase of stress. :)
5 years ago
Congrats you guys! i'm so excited for you.
Congrats! That's awesome news! the house sounds beautiful!
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