After admitting defeat at not being able to make Emma's costume this year (her demands were a little high, lol), we broke down & bought the girls' costumes. Emma went as Belle and Sarah a lamb. Emma's school had a Harvest Festival on Saturday afternoon. It was fun. The girls went to different booths & got stickers for doing different tasks, like playing Halloween bingo, pinning a nose on a scarecrow, and decorating cookies. Once they accumulated 8 stickers, they could turn them in for a goodie bag. They had a Goodie Walk, which was kinda like musical chairs, but with numbers on the floor. When the music stopped, you stopped on a number, and if your number was drawn out of a hat, you got a goodie plate, filled with homebaked cookies, cupcakes & other yummy treats. Jeff played with Sarah and she won after only 2 turns! Emma was determined to win something, and kept at it. She also won a goodie plate. Then the girls & I went on a hay ride and I met a woman whose sister-in-law is the one that started the Capital Area Down syndrome society! I thought that was such a cool coincedence. It was a nice afternoon.
That evening, we had our friends Andrea & Gabe come over for dinner. It was a nice relaxing meal, and afterwards, we taught them how to play Spades. Of course, the girls won.
Then on Sunday Emma had her last soccer game. The weather was beautiful and the team played great! We actually won!!! Our first win! It was awesome, the kids have had so much fun.
Yesterday, being Halloween, we went to the Towers on campus for our new annual tradition of Trick-or-Treating. It's nice, because there are 6 buildings of 5-9 floors each, with at least 5 rooms on each floor giving out candy. It's a kid's dream come true. We only had to go through 2 buildings to get each kid a full bucket o sugar. I've uploaded some of the pics to the photobucket page. Click here.
The only problem with going out for Halloween is that we miss all the kids who come around our neighborhood, but truth be told, there probably aren't many. The street we live on is very busy and we don't have a ton of small kids in the area. Mostly just college kids. But, that just means, more candy for us. Not like this preggy needs it, lol.
5 years ago
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